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News / All news / License Agreement with “MD Media”

Nov 18, 2011 | Company, Terenin

License Agreement with “MD Media”

Under this agreement iRevolution will develop mobile devices applications based on popular children books of the publishing house.

The publishing house “MD Media” deserves a reputation of one of the most progressive one in the Russian market. It publishes children books of the best foreign writers. Their books can help adults to look at the world with children’s eyes, answer the most difficult questions what love and death are and come up with not simple parent tasks not using boring instructions.

“MD Media”’s authors are world-recognized writers and artists from Sweden, Finland, Denmark and other countries. All of them were given prestige international awards. They speak one language with children and they are not scared of talking about topics important for children, which are difficult to discuss.

The official web-site of the publishing house “MD Media” is