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News / All news / Plushev about «Gora» app

Feb 05, 2013 | Interesting, Olenberger

Plushev about «Gora» app

It’s always a pleasure when apps of our company are estimated at one’s true worth, especially if favorable review was received from a person who directly participated in creation of original content and who is an expert in his field.

In his own blog Alexandr Plushev noted that «at animation festivals… the problem of a cartoon distribution is often discussed because they can’t have (if it’s not a full-length cartoon) normal distribution, TV rarely buy it (if it’s not series), people buy DVD less and less».

«Gora samotsvetov» availability in AppStore appeared as good surprise.

The author noted that our app is «a great choice if you’re travelling with a child and you have iPhone/iPad – it helps you as calming instrument».