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Invent. Create. Make real.

What is the use of a book? – thought Alice, – without pictures or conversations?
Lewis Carroll, “Alice's Adventures in Wonderland”

Our team has great experience of creating interactive
educational programs and applications.
The most important thing for us is not to stop on
the achieved and continue creating new interesting
and innovative products.

Vyacheslav Terenin


This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  | Moscow

I was born in Moscow. I graduated from Moscow Institute of Electronic engineering with the spesilization in system engineering. I have been working at multimedia technologies since 1992.

The most significant achievements in my life are development of "Cyril and Methodius" children encyclopedias, the Intel-Internet award for children, edutainment portal "" and development of the tool for creating New Generation electronic educational resources.

I think I can be considered to be an expert of new information technologies for education as well as of football and hockey.

Our partners

We cooperate with outstanding Russian and foreign companies, that are leaders in different fields.