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Works / When did the Christ Live?

Nov 10, 2011 | Mobile

When did the Christ Live?

Today almost all people know an evangelic history of Jesus Christ, even if they practice other religions. The time of His life on the Earth is not only about starting a new religion. It is the beginning of humanity chronology.
Most countries in the world have emergent years. Nobody doubts two thousand years passed from the most significant event in human history. Why are people so sure about it?
Maths scientists don’t talk about faith and the teaching of the church. There are historic and chronologic questions in this application. It’s possible enough that traditional date of the Nativity of Christ is wrong and now it should be not 2011, but other year on the calendar!
The application includes:
  • «When did the Christ live in?», the ninth movie from popular scientific serial «History: a science or an invention?», which was created on the base of «New Chronology by A.Fomenko and G.Nosovsky» materials.
  • The book «New Chronology by A.Fomenko and G.Nosovsky for one hour» by Stepan Molot.
  • A convenient navigation system of book’s and movie’s sections.
  • Russian subtitles with turn it on/off function during application using.
  • Great results of science research, approving theories, made by outstanding Russian scientists, the member of Russian Academy of Sciences Anatoly Fomenko and Ph. D. in Physics and Mathematics Gleb Nosovsky.