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Technologies / Media multitasking is here to stay

May 08, 2013 | Second screen, Social TV, Terenin

Media multitasking is here to stay

Smartphone penetration among U.S, population is rising (eMarket) 

And multiscreen use is rising

  • Among those with a TV and computer, 52% are somewhat or very likely to use another device while watching television, per IAB.
  • Among those with a smartphone, TV and computer, 60% are multitasking.
  • The figure rises to 65% when the user has a tablet, too.
  • Especially among younger consumers: 77% of tablet owners between 18-44 tears say they are are likely to be multitasking.

Social TV is growing, too

  • 64% of those with four screens are likely to use social media while watching TV.
  • Among those 18-44, the share rises 74%

Media multitasking is here to stay

Using Innerscope Research, a biometric media research firm, Time Inc. analyzed 300 hours' worth of people's use of TV, Web, tablet, smartphone and print media for 10-hour period on weekdays and weekends..

Media as mood regulator

Using Innerscope, Time Inc. also studied what happens to people's emotional engagement levels based on their media behavior. It found that multiplatform media users had fewer emotional highs and fewer lows than did single-platform users.

This has implications for advertisers trying get consumers' attention as media multitasking is likely to grow more common. 

Источник: Time Warner Emarketer Lab.