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A Tale of Two Smartphones

Mar 10, 2013 | Analytics, Interesting, Terenin

Embodiment of opposition of an iOS and Android in an infographic

iTunes U Content Tops One Billion Downloads

Mar 06, 2013 | Interesting, Olenberger

iTunes U features the world’s largest online catalog of free educational content from top schools (Cambridge, Oxford, Harvard, Stanford etc.).

Tests with iPhone

Mar 04, 2013 | Interesting, Terenin

Myshkin Ingawale, living and working in India, claims that he designs iPhone App which is able to indicate the presence of 25 different conditions based on the analysis of urine. Inquiring citizen does not have to ruin his iPhone, as for test uses only phone camera.

Mobile ‘cashless’ taxi

Feb 25, 2013 | Interesting, Olenberger

Yandex.Taxi users now have the option to pay their rides by banking card using special iPhone application. According to company information, the service earns approx. 70% daily orders from iPhone owners.

A frank confession of Bill

Feb 19, 2013 | Interesting, Olenberger

The Microsoft founder Bill Gates admitted as a mistake chosen in the past strategy of developing company at mobile market which didn’t allow Microsoft to become a leader in this field…

Microsoft loses its billions

Feb 18, 2013 | Analytics, Interesting, Olenberger

Microsoft still remains the most popular and all-over accepted part of Standard program package. Why we don't still see Word, Excel and Powerpoint inside iPad? What's the point in that? But it is obvious that, on the one hand, employees feel extreme lack of Microsoft Office, and, on the other hand Microsoft itself.

Plushev about «Gora» app

Feb 05, 2013 | Interesting, Olenberger

It’s always a pleasure when apps of our company are estimated at one’s true worth, especially if favorable review was received from a person who directly participated in creation of original content and who is an expert in his field.

The Internet gets into Russia 2 times faster than into the world

Jan 26, 2013 | Interesting, Terenin

Today, a fixed access to the Internet is more popular in Russia than a mobile one. But now the wireless Internet access is already integrated into lives of many Russians.

Steve Wozniak in jOBS

Jan 24, 2013 | iOS, Interesting, Prokofieva

On the Web there are a lot of pics from the «jOBS» shooting, where Ashton Kutcher tries on Steve Jobs. The shooting new photos illustrates Apple co-founder and Steve Wozniak in the performance of Josh Gad. These are the first film frames with the participation of Wozniak, presented to the public.

Who closed the Dotcom and for how long?

Jan 22, 2013 | Interesting, Terenin

The founder of the closed a year ago sharing service named Megaupload Kim (Dotcom) Schmitz announced the launch of similar project called «Mega» ( Information about this appeared in Dotcom’s personal blog in Twitter.